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History – An interview with a Viking!

Good Morning 5JP,

Today you are going to be a Viking being interviewed on BBC news!

Task 1 –

Write down all of the different questions that you would want to ask a Viking.

What do you not know about Vikings that you really want to know?

Think of as many questions as you can.

Task 2 –

Have a look through your questions and choose the best four.

Remember, try and choose questions which know you are going to be able to find the answers to.

These are going to be the questions that the BBC news interviewer is going to ask!

Task 3 –

It is research time! Using the websites below, find the answers to your questions.

Task 4 –

Now it is time to write out your interview script. Remember to answer each of your four questions as if you are a Viking!

Think about the language Vikings would use, would it be formal or informal?

You can even give yourself a Viking name:

Toke, Thorsten, Orm, Ulf, Bjørn, Frida, Astrid, Hilda, Rune, Erik, Sigrid, Tove, Freya, Saga, Thor, Loki, Ivar or Harold.  

Extra step – record yourself as a Viking being interviewed following your script!

I look forward to seeing your brilliant interviews so don’t forget to email them over to our class email.