Home Learning – Curriculum

Art- Pointillism

Today, we are going to look at the similarities and differences between the 2 religions of Christianity and Catholicism. We will also look at the key features inside a Roman Catholic and Christian church. But first, let’s look at these 2 religions in more detail..

“All Catholics are Christians, but not all Christians are Catholics”

What do you think this means?


• The term “Christian” gets used to cover a wide range of different beliefs, all claiming to be based on the teaching of Jesus Christ

• Christian literally means follower of Jesus Christ, so all followers of Jesus are Christians regardless of their particular faith.


•A Catholic is a Christian who follows the Catholic religion as transmitted through the succession of Popes. 

•The Pope is the leader of the Catholic church.

•The Catholic church is the largest of the Christian churches – about 60% of Christians are Catholic.

Similarities and Differences

Inside a Church

Take a look inside an Anglican church (church of England)


•Have a look at the interactive website and watch the videos/read the information on each church feature: http://www.bbc.co.uk/guides/z84bmnb#ztmjv4j


Your challenge – create a fact file about different churches around the world. Maybe you want to choose one church, or maybe you’d like to create a fact file about numerous different churches.

To get some ideas, here is a PowerPoint presentation that displays the top 5 churches around the world. They range from London, to France and even Russia! Click the file to view the pictures, information and Youtube clicks that take you inside each church. Don’t forget to email your fact files to your teacher!