Home Learning – Curriculum

Geography/Science – Earth day

Good Morning 5JP,

Today is Earth Day! Earth Day, which was established in 1970, is celebrated on 22nd April each year.

It is a day to think about our planet and what we can do to keep it special; to think about saving water and energy, reducing pollution, recycling, protecting our animals, trees and plants, and generally getting everyone interested in protecting their environment.

To celebrate this, today we are going to go on a scavenger hunt!

You can complete this in your garden or on a walk with a grown up. Tick each thing off as you find it and make sure you take pictures to help you research and answer the questions after.

If you are unable to complete this scavenger hunt, here is a research-based hunt that you can complete instead.

Other things you can do to celebrate Earth Day:

  • Watch movies such as Wall-E, Over the Hedge, The Lorax or Ponyo which show the importance of looking after our Earth and write a short film review after watching the film.
  • Create a poster that you can put around your house which encourages your family to save water when brushing their teeth by turning the tap off or to save energy by turning the light off when they leave a room for example.
  • Bake some cookies or biscuits with a grown up and decorate them with icing to make them look like the Earth.
  • Plant some flowers in your garden or in a plant pot in your home.
  • Create a scavenger hunt for your family to complete.

Let me know what you find by emailing our class email!