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Science – Famous Scientists

This term in Science we are learning about different scientists.

Who are scientists?

Scientists are people who discover new things and research how things work.

There are lots of different types of scientist :

  • An agronomist specializes in soil and crops.
  • An astronomer studies stars, planets and galaxies.
  • botanist specializes in plants.
  • cytologist specializes in the study of cells.
  • An epidemiologist studies the spread of diseases.
  • An ethologist studies animal behaviour.
  • geneticist studies how traits are inherited.
  • geologist specializes in the history of Earth.
  • geographer studies Earth’s surface.
  • marine biologist studies ocean plants and animals.
  • meteorologist studies weather and climate.
  • microbiologist studies microscopic plants and animals.
  • paleontologist specializes in fossils.
  • physicist studies matter, energy, and how they are related.
  • seismologist studies earthquakes.

Task 1

Today I would like you to pick an area of science which interests you and research famous scientist within that area.

For example, if I wanted to learn about famous astronomers I would find people like :

Galilieo Galilei, Nicolaus Copernicus, Johannes Kepler, Claudius Ptolemy, Aristotle, Steven Hawking and Tim Peake, to name a few.

These names should all be familiar to you as we learnt about these scientists in Autumn when we learnt about the solar system.

Task 2

Choose one scientist from your list and write down some questions you would want to ask or find out about them.

For example, if I was focusing on Tim Peake I might have questions such as:

Why did you become an astronaut?

Where have you been in space?

Task 3

 Research the answers your questions and make a fact file about your Scientist. Have a look on these websites to see if there is a video linked to your chosen scientist that might help you find the answers to your questions.

