Home Learning – Curriculum

French – Favourite Foods!

Good Morning 5JP!

Today we are going to put our French hats on and create our dream fridge!

In the BBC bitesize video below, the fridge is empty so Farley uses his magic collar to create a restaurant for Spud and Soda.

Watch the video to find out what happens next and pay attention to the way Soda says each of his sentences in French.


  1. Its time for you to fill Soda and Spuds empty fridge with all of your favourite items.

Draw each item in your fridge and then label each item in French using the English – French dictionary here – https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english-french

You can use the picture of the fridge I have put on this post or you can draw your own.

2. Now write 5 sentences in French using the items in your fridge as inspiration. Maybe you could write  I love …, I do not like …, For breakfast I ate… or I would like… in French. Use the vocabulary below to help you as well as your fridge.

J’adore – I love

Je déteste – I hate

J’aime – I like

Je n’aime pas – I do not like

Ma nourriture préférée est – My favourite food is