Home Learning – Curriculum

Geography – Sustainable clothes

Fast Fashion = inexpensive clothing produced rapidly by mass-market retailers in response to the latest trends.

  1. What is the environmental impact of making clothes? Read through this Newsround article, watch the video and have ago at the interactive activity.


Every year the world buys more than 80 billion items of clothing. Those clothes contribute to pollution and most of these items will one day be thrown out. People are buying more and more clothes to keep up with trends and they want cheaper prices.

85% of clothes made each year are thrown away!

The fashion industry produces 10% of our carbon emissions, is the second biggest user of the world’s water supply and pollutes the oceans with microplastics.

2. What can clothing company’s do to reduce the amount of clothes that are being wasted and how can they be more sustainable overall?

3. Using the website and the information you have read through above, write a short persuasive letter to a clothing company of your choice (such as Sports Direct, Primark or Next) explaining why the fashion industry needs to become more sustainable and how they can become more sustainable.

Be creative and be persuasive! Remember your persuasive vocabulary as well as facts and figures to help make your point.

Paragraph 1 – The impact the fashion industry is having on the environment.

Paragraph 2 – What does your chosen company need to do to become more sustainable. Suggest some ways they can help this problem.